OMG!!!! First off I cannot stand that Massachusetts has REAL rain days. I'm used to the 15 min of heavy torrential rains in Houston, but out here we get at least 2 days of steady rain...freakin' sucks I tell you.
Well thanks to this wonderful rain that God decided to bless my side of the country with, basically EVERY flight in the area was delayed several hours. Now for everyone who knows me...y'all know I can't stand waiting for anything. Well today I tried to keep a little patience because I knew in time I'd finally get where I needed to get and once I got there, I had something (or should I say someone) amazing awaiting me. So while I wasn't super pissed because my original flight wasn't supposed to leave until 6:33 anyway (and of course I tried to get bumped up to the 3pm--which ended up being delayed until 6:56), I took the liberty of watching everyone in there super pissy moods. One lady was so angry because it was her birthday weekend and she just wanted to see her kids. All she kept saying was that "it's just freakin' rain people...not damn snow! So I don't understand what the problem is" (however, it was not quite as nice as I have stated it). Then there was this old couple who didn't quite understand cell phone courtesy. Speakerphones are a wonderful addition to cell phones but they are supposed to be used in private (i.e. your home or car)...not in the middle of a freakin' airport terminal. At first I thought it was just me thinking that the person of the other end of the phone was just talking extremely loud...then I realized the people on the other side of the terminal were staring at the old couple in disgust...the first time I was slightly appalled but the second time I couldn't help but laugh...out loud. Ha! The special-ness of our elder generation. I also saw this lady with her kid on a LEASH...she was talking to her kid as if the little girl was an animal. That was definitely an interesting sight to see. And due to my extended stay in Albany, I met a very nice German fellow with whom I spent a cool 1 1/2 hrs chatting with.
Once, I finally left Albany in route to Charlotte, it was like sheer chaos on the plane. Everyone was in such foul moods because they were running behind schedule and/or would miss connecting flights elsewhere. I was still in the cheerful mood and even now I can't come up with a great excuse to my wonderful mood (seeing as how it was so out of character for me). Charlotte was great for me. I had my first encounter with an airport bar...met some nice people, watched a little football, and of course made full use of what a bar is actually meant for :-P. But I honestly can't tell you how happy I was to finally get on my second flight and head to my final destination.
So I left school at noon for my 1 1/2 hour drive to the airport...I can't even count the amount of time I actually spent in the airport, but by midnight I finally it to made my destination. I changed my flight 3 times before I even left Albany simply because the rain decided to screw up flights all along the east coast. But I can definitely say that those 12 hours were not in vain. I got a lot of reading for class finished, AND seeing his smile...yes...that definitely made it all worth the wait.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
something like a coach...i guess :-P
Today was my first day alone with my athletes. Technically because we're division III we aren't allowed to have actual practices until October 27th...which I must admit is totally cool with me because I still have weekends and evenings to myself. BUT because we are aware that our girls have done absolutely nothing over the summer...AND we have a ton of freshman...the head coach thought it was a good idea for us to oversee practices this week to make sure that they were actually doing the drills properly, weren't killing themselves...but honestly just to make sure they were actually showing up to these suggested workouts. Monday and Tuesday, 3 of the assistant coaches were present...and yes I said 3. We actually have an guess right now is 7 or so...which is mad crazy because we only have like 28 girls. But that's another story.
Well of the 7 assistants, I was the one who conducted practice today. I was much more comfortable not having other people questioning what I was doing, and scrutinizing my I think the girls enjoyed my workouts much more than the stuff we had them doing on Monday. My goal is not to kill them...YET...but to make sure they are actually getting something out of the well as semi enjoying themselves and getting to know each other in the process. Despite what everyone thinks, track is somewhat of a team sport. While individual in most aspects, conference championships come in the form of team work. The girls were able to chat between runs/exercises, but I also had them huffing and puffing so I felt as though today's workout was quite successful. I'm hoping to have tons of freedom with the creativity of my workouts for them. I see potential in a lot of girls...attitude and laziness in some as well. But I come from a team of attitude so I think I can manage that part. As far as laziness...if you don't want to be are more than welcome to go home. D3 athletes are not scholarship athletes by any means...I want my girls to do it because they want to...not because they feel pressured to do so.
***side note***
I found a salon that does 'ethnic' hair...there is one black chick who works there and she books up so fast supposedly because evidently every other black woman in the area is trying to get her hair done at the same time as me. Soooooo I settled for the white girl who has 'ethnic experience'...I'll definitely let you know how that works out...
I thought I'd leave you with a picture of the beautiful scenery that I found while driving around searching for the salon. I have to say that I live in an absolutely beautiful area. (and NO this is not my house)
Well of the 7 assistants, I was the one who conducted practice today. I was much more comfortable not having other people questioning what I was doing, and scrutinizing my I think the girls enjoyed my workouts much more than the stuff we had them doing on Monday. My goal is not to kill them...YET...but to make sure they are actually getting something out of the well as semi enjoying themselves and getting to know each other in the process. Despite what everyone thinks, track is somewhat of a team sport. While individual in most aspects, conference championships come in the form of team work. The girls were able to chat between runs/exercises, but I also had them huffing and puffing so I felt as though today's workout was quite successful. I'm hoping to have tons of freedom with the creativity of my workouts for them. I see potential in a lot of girls...attitude and laziness in some as well. But I come from a team of attitude so I think I can manage that part. As far as laziness...if you don't want to be are more than welcome to go home. D3 athletes are not scholarship athletes by any means...I want my girls to do it because they want to...not because they feel pressured to do so.
***side note***
I found a salon that does 'ethnic' hair...there is one black chick who works there and she books up so fast supposedly because evidently every other black woman in the area is trying to get her hair done at the same time as me. Soooooo I settled for the white girl who has 'ethnic experience'...I'll definitely let you know how that works out...
I thought I'd leave you with a picture of the beautiful scenery that I found while driving around searching for the salon. I have to say that I live in an absolutely beautiful area. (and NO this is not my house)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008
hurricane ike
I can definitely say I picked the right time to move from the city of Houston...but then at the same time, I feel just as hurt and devastated as the people who have experienced the catastrophe called hurricane Ike. First and foremost, my family fared so much better this go round than after Hurricane Rita. Hardly any damage...well just minor stuff such as shingles and fences being down. But of course they will be out of power for close to a month, which totally sucks when you live in an area that averages 90+ degree temperatures during this time of year. My family does, however have a generator so they can at least keep the food cold and have some source of air for the better part of the day. I called my mom yesterday, and evidently my baby brother was trying to do something involving some source of power and my mom quickly tells him "no, we don't have enough power for that." It was actually kind of funny at the time, but now that I think about it, that totally sucks to have to live life on a limited supply of electricity.
My heart goes out to all of my friends, who have had any problems because of this stupid hurricane. I can totally relate, so each and everyone of you guys is in my prayers.
I really think I'm going to find out who in the heck names these freaking hurricanes because, I propose that we quit giving them ethnic names so as not to continue to damage our gulf coast (i.e., Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Gustav, Ike)...I mean I'm just saying...
My heart goes out to all of my friends, who have had any problems because of this stupid hurricane. I can totally relate, so each and everyone of you guys is in my prayers.
I really think I'm going to find out who in the heck names these freaking hurricanes because, I propose that we quit giving them ethnic names so as not to continue to damage our gulf coast (i.e., Katrina, Rita, Wilma, Gustav, Ike)...I mean I'm just saying...
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
one week at a time...
While I thought this past weekend would be my first official weekend alone in my new home, I received a nice surprise when I found out my good friend Val would be playing right up the street (ok...and hour and a half away) in Connecticut. I was super excited when she invited me to spend Saturday night in the ultra cool Mohegan Sun casino/hotel/venue. We were able to catch up and share in our stories of finally "growing up" and being away from our friends and the comfort zone that we called home for the last four years. It definitely eased my anxiety knowing that I'm not alone in my struggle. So...the game was was a battle of the top East/West teams in the WNBA...and it provided for a great show for the fans. It was kind of weird sitting in the stands by myself, but Val made sure to look up my way during time-outs as we exchanged weird faces and laughs. She'll be moving to France in like a week so big ups to her and all her future endeavors.
As far as school goes, it is incredibly awkward to not be starting practice this week. In fact, we don't get underway until October of the downfalls of switching from Division 1 to Division 3. They say it has something to do with the amount of weeks we are allowed to practice (we have a measly 22 compared to 32+ for D1). It's all a bunch of bull if you ask me, seeing as how it not only gives us a mere 5 weeks to prepare for our first meet (which will inevitably be directed at event specific type practices), but as a coach I don't get to torture my kids with preseason workouts...instead we hand out 'suggested' workouts for the girls to do in the mean time. Suggested is a HUGE change from the Mandatory Voluntary practices I am used to at Rice...but oh well...
OMG...I was watching the news a few minutes ago and it is a whooping 65 degrees outside...mind you it is 6pm and it is still summer time in my eyes. The weather man even went as far as to say that in the morning it'll be in the 40s...oh no buddy...not liking this already. I guess I gotta get in as many shorts as possible withing the next 2 weeks, because it'll be May before I can show my legs off again :-(
One thing I am loving however, is the extra special attention I am getting from the faculty members at school. This week alone I've had several ask me how I was fairing being so far from home. It is almost as if they are trying to make this adjustment as comfortable as possible. It definitely makes me feel good to know I am in an environment that is so welcoming. So as of now I am adjusting decently well...still missing home, but I don't think that will ever go away. I'm still trying to find more things to do so that I don't have to spend so much time at home ALONE...but until next time...
As far as school goes, it is incredibly awkward to not be starting practice this week. In fact, we don't get underway until October of the downfalls of switching from Division 1 to Division 3. They say it has something to do with the amount of weeks we are allowed to practice (we have a measly 22 compared to 32+ for D1). It's all a bunch of bull if you ask me, seeing as how it not only gives us a mere 5 weeks to prepare for our first meet (which will inevitably be directed at event specific type practices), but as a coach I don't get to torture my kids with preseason workouts...instead we hand out 'suggested' workouts for the girls to do in the mean time. Suggested is a HUGE change from the Mandatory Voluntary practices I am used to at Rice...but oh well...
OMG...I was watching the news a few minutes ago and it is a whooping 65 degrees outside...mind you it is 6pm and it is still summer time in my eyes. The weather man even went as far as to say that in the morning it'll be in the 40s...oh no buddy...not liking this already. I guess I gotta get in as many shorts as possible withing the next 2 weeks, because it'll be May before I can show my legs off again :-(
One thing I am loving however, is the extra special attention I am getting from the faculty members at school. This week alone I've had several ask me how I was fairing being so far from home. It is almost as if they are trying to make this adjustment as comfortable as possible. It definitely makes me feel good to know I am in an environment that is so welcoming. So as of now I am adjusting decently well...still missing home, but I don't think that will ever go away. I'm still trying to find more things to do so that I don't have to spend so much time at home ALONE...but until next time...
Friday, September 5, 2008
To my girls...
I knew my move way across country would affect me in ways that I can not even imagine. I mean I miss my friends, my family, chain restaurants that I'm used to, southwest regional football games, being able to get around without the help of mapquest...etc. But I'm starting to realize just how much my move is affecting the people I love most. My parents call me way more than usual...just to check on me I guess because I've never been by myself and am for the 1st time 'my own personal guardian.' As much as I miss my friends...I'm learning they miss me just as much. There is a piece of them that is missing in their everyday lives...and that little thing is me. We have all depended on each other for 4...or just 2 years in britt's case...and I won't even begin to count the years I have been friends with Kim. When someone has a bad of us offers a word of encouragement. If someone's date cancels...hey let's make it a girls date to the movies. I miss the sleep overs...I miss the partying...I miss the heart to hearts which have taught me a many of life lessons along the way. I think right now it's hard for all of us...and God forbid this is only the beginning. But it's all a part of growing up (or so I've been told). I'm pretty sure by the end we'll all be spread across the country, but guess what that just makes for super cool vacation spots. So look at the bright side, while we may be miles apart, our hearts have been forever touched by each other. Our bond will only get stronger...and I dare someone to prove me wrong.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
1st day of school
Today was my first day of class...and just like any other first day of school, I rustled and tussled all night like an 8yr old eagerly ready for 3rd grade. Except I'm not sure I was so eager for class, seeing as how I could easily be voted the first person most likely to skip class. I am excited that I finally have stuff to keep me occupied during the day because yesterday I was hit by my first bout of homesickness. Yeah you read it right...Lacee' Carmon misses Texas and all her friends like crazy. I've basically had visitors for the first 2 weeks of being in Massachusetts, so being alone for 3 days is finally making it sink in that I'm kind of alone. I really don't have any friends outside of school...and as far as the people at school...well they are more so acquaintances seeing as how I only socialize with them at school. So basically for the first time in my life I'm a loner...which is really weird but I know it time I'll adjust to my new circumstances and everything will be ok.
Today in my sport leadership class the teacher made a statement that 'a leader is someone who once was a follower.' This made me think of how in less than 6 months my life has completely changed. My whole life I have been a participant in some type of sport and while I have served as a leader figure for many of them, I have also been under the leadership of many coaches. All of the skills and attributes they have instilled in me have helped shape me into the person I am today. Now I am taking on their role and will in turn have athletes and students of my own to lead and play a role model toward. This is something I am extremely excited about because I now I have the opportunity to influence the lives of others just as my life has been so greatly influenced. I hope to lead my girls (which I am rightfully endowed to say because I coach/teach/attend an all girls college) with the same passion and drive as my former coaches. I want to have the same investments in them that my coaches made in me so that one day if nothing else, I can give just one girl a chance to live out her dream just as I have been given this grand opportunity today. With that said...I get to meet my team tomorrow for the first time. So I suppose tonight's slumber will be a rustle tussle event because this is something I've been looking forward to since February 29th, 2008.
Today in my sport leadership class the teacher made a statement that 'a leader is someone who once was a follower.' This made me think of how in less than 6 months my life has completely changed. My whole life I have been a participant in some type of sport and while I have served as a leader figure for many of them, I have also been under the leadership of many coaches. All of the skills and attributes they have instilled in me have helped shape me into the person I am today. Now I am taking on their role and will in turn have athletes and students of my own to lead and play a role model toward. This is something I am extremely excited about because I now I have the opportunity to influence the lives of others just as my life has been so greatly influenced. I hope to lead my girls (which I am rightfully endowed to say because I coach/teach/attend an all girls college) with the same passion and drive as my former coaches. I want to have the same investments in them that my coaches made in me so that one day if nothing else, I can give just one girl a chance to live out her dream just as I have been given this grand opportunity today. With that said...I get to meet my team tomorrow for the first time. So I suppose tonight's slumber will be a rustle tussle event because this is something I've been looking forward to since February 29th, 2008.
Monday, September 1, 2008
workout barbie
It's been a cool 3-4 weeks...probably longer than that since I really worked out. But I needed a break because after track season concluded, I had this mad-woman workout plan. It was like I couldn't stay away from the gym - well that could have been because I worked at a gym, and what better way to waste time on the clock than to actually make use of the facilities. I definitely look like a civilian now than an actual athlete, seeing as how I have dropped a cool 10 pounds with ease and I have even stopped getting questions about what sport I play because my legs are not as super defined and sculpted as they were at the end of May. Simply stated...I'm skinny again.
So today, I thought it would be a great time to make use of the wonderful facilities we have at Smith (which I must add are oh so much better than the ones I was accustomed to at Rice). There is a general workout area (cardio machines/fitness and weight equipment) for any one affiliated with Smiths' personal use, but of course I like to be alone when I workout, so I opted to use the other weight room, which is just one step up from the shed at the track at Rice. It is clear to me that it had not been used in a good while seeing as how there was stuff scattered everywhere, but I think I have found my new workout place for the next two years.
After weights, I decided against the treadmill because it was such a beautiful day outside. By the way, as much as I love the Houston heat, it is by far not my favorite thing to workout in...heck I can't even tan in it because my body starts burning in under 5 minutes. I tried unsuccessfully to locate the cross country trail around campus, but then realized the track was nearby. There was not a single soul out there...kind of weird to me, because we ALWAYS had to share our track with some randoms on any given day. On my walk to the track I got plenty of stares. I'm not sure if it was because I'm black (and there are not too many of us roaming these parts) or if it was because I was half naked (and for anyone who knows know that half naked is the ONLY way I will workout). I'm going to go with the second choice so as not to make racial judgements on my wonderful New Englanders just yet.
Anyhow, I hope that I am not ridiculously sore for the remainder of the week due to my month long hiatus from any type of physical activity. I'm still trying to figure out how in the heck I'm going to actually be able to workout everyday, seeing as how my schedule seems as if it will be filled from dusk to dawn. Maybe I'll workout with my girls...who I'm actually hoping to meet sometime soon, since practice should be starting shortly.
***side note: I've been in Massachusetts for two whole weeks now, and surprisingly I'm not ready to come home just yet. I love the weather (well now anyway). The people are nice. I love having my own space. So for now I'm content. School starts Thursday...that'll be the true test to whether or not the next two years will be closer to heaven or hell.
So today, I thought it would be a great time to make use of the wonderful facilities we have at Smith (which I must add are oh so much better than the ones I was accustomed to at Rice). There is a general workout area (cardio machines/fitness and weight equipment) for any one affiliated with Smiths' personal use, but of course I like to be alone when I workout, so I opted to use the other weight room, which is just one step up from the shed at the track at Rice. It is clear to me that it had not been used in a good while seeing as how there was stuff scattered everywhere, but I think I have found my new workout place for the next two years.
After weights, I decided against the treadmill because it was such a beautiful day outside. By the way, as much as I love the Houston heat, it is by far not my favorite thing to workout in...heck I can't even tan in it because my body starts burning in under 5 minutes. I tried unsuccessfully to locate the cross country trail around campus, but then realized the track was nearby. There was not a single soul out there...kind of weird to me, because we ALWAYS had to share our track with some randoms on any given day. On my walk to the track I got plenty of stares. I'm not sure if it was because I'm black (and there are not too many of us roaming these parts) or if it was because I was half naked (and for anyone who knows know that half naked is the ONLY way I will workout). I'm going to go with the second choice so as not to make racial judgements on my wonderful New Englanders just yet.
Anyhow, I hope that I am not ridiculously sore for the remainder of the week due to my month long hiatus from any type of physical activity. I'm still trying to figure out how in the heck I'm going to actually be able to workout everyday, seeing as how my schedule seems as if it will be filled from dusk to dawn. Maybe I'll workout with my girls...who I'm actually hoping to meet sometime soon, since practice should be starting shortly.
***side note: I've been in Massachusetts for two whole weeks now, and surprisingly I'm not ready to come home just yet. I love the weather (well now anyway). The people are nice. I love having my own space. So for now I'm content. School starts Thursday...that'll be the true test to whether or not the next two years will be closer to heaven or hell.
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