I'm in the last stretch of my first semester of grad school...and the last few weeks have been mad crazy. I've gotten in the habit of not sleeping at all OR sleeping way too much. So let's recap since I came back from the big apple.
Thanksgiving was great!!! I was able to spend it with the boo...and a few friends in my grad program. That week was also the beginning of mad crazy birthday time (Toy - Nov 26; my boo - Nov 30; Britt - Dec 1; Kim - Dec 2; Des - Dec 16). I've pretty much come to the realization that if you are not a
Sagittarius, you will truly never be one of my best friends
lol. I was so proud of myself that I've done well in picking out gifts this year. I'm really bad at shopping for people other than myself...but so far so good.

**Thanksgiving dinner

***me and my love <3
I've had a butt load of work to do...and I've totally become the BIGGEST procrastinator in the world. But it'll all get done in time. All I have left is a presentation on
cybersport and body (super cool topic if anyone wants to chat about it), 3 papers, a DVD project, 10 lesson plans, and 3 weeks worth of workouts to write for my team...all of this must be done by Friday, Dec 12...which
btw, is the day I'M COMING BACK TO HOUSTON...
I am now officially christened a NCAA track and field coach. We had our first meet this past Saturday. Switching from Division I to Division III will be the biggest adjustment. I can't really give an overall reflection of the meet because my thoughts are all over the place. There were some highs...and some things we definitely need to work on. I guess I'll leave it at that.
Also...we had our first OFFICIAL DAY OF SNOW. I thought I'd make it back to Texas before it would really snow...however, the weather had different plans. It
wasn't too major, but I was super freaked out driving in the snow for the first time. I did survive...but I know it will only be downhill from here for the next 4 months (boo!).

***they do an amazing job of keeping the roads clear...
That's the brief version of what has happened the last few weeks. I can't wait to go home in 4 days...pray for my sanity until then :-P