There is this one particular athlete on the team who is by far at the bottom of the totem pole when it comes to talent. But she comes to practice everyday and she gives 150% effort despite what her times or distances may show. When she first came out, she had to practice early twice a week because she had a class scheduled during practice time. Shannon (my work wife) and I took turns coming out early to make sure she wouldn't feel left out and "unloved" by the coaches. The first few times I was out there with here, we focused solely on sprint drills because she was so highly uncoordinated. She would get discouraged from time to time but I told her my story about how I started off as a super struggling athlete and ended up blossoming into a competitive division I athlete. I told her that no matter how bad I performed or how much I hurt doing so, I refused to quit until the coaches told me to leave. And they never did and that's what shaped me into the athlete I became over 4 years.
So back to the card. This athlete wrote "You kept me going when I thought I couldn't." Those words were so powerful to me and it made me feel that this year I succeeded as a coach. One of the main reasons I do what I do is so that I can make a difference in some one's life. I have a passion in what I do, and I try to portray that to my athletes...and apparently this season I did. For the first time a few of my girls saw my sensitive side and boy where they shocked. But when something as powerful as that occurs, you can't help but let the soft side shine through.