Thursday, September 9, 2010
Life of a Coach...
Every time I get down on myself or feel even an inkling of temporary unhappiness, GOD so quickly reminds me that my place in this world is not simply to make sure that I'm happy, content and taken care of. The sun does not rise and set on my behind...nor does the earth spin around me, at a speed convenient for me and only me. Instead I have come to realize that I am not just my own rock but that of my athletes. They lean on me for so much that I often question myself wondering if I am servicing them in a way that GOD would want me to. There is a quote that I like, "the house does not rest on the ground but upon the woman," that speaks volumes for how I am learning my role in life to be defined. GOD made women to be strong be able to handle stresses of childbirth...rear the child...AND keep the house in order. While I do not have any biological kids, coaching entails getting a new set of "grown kids" (as I like to call them) every year. My goal is the same for each of them; I want them to be not only great students and athletes but also outstanding people. So I guess if I have to be their rock or their house until they can fully get their two feet under them, then so be it. I have been abundantly blessed and that is more than enough reason for me to want to share that greatness with them.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
eat. pray. love.
A few months ago I was watching Oprah and she did a piece on the the new movie Eat Pray Love based on the book by Elizabeth Gilbert. What truly caught my attention was that Julia Roberts was the main character and I have been a big fan of hers since Pretty Woman. I can still watch that movie and enjoy it today as if I haven't seen it over 100 times. Anyhow...I decided that I would read the book before the movie came out so I downloaded it to my kindle and it was added to the collection of books that I would read this summer.
Tonight I spontaneously went to the movies (by myself) to see just how closely movie fell in line with the book. I absolutely loved the book and the movie (as it always cuts out half of what is in the book) did an excellent job of highlighting the important parts of the book. Many people would disagree because it was a bit shallow however, cramming a 400 plus page book into a movie will have that effect. The book/movie follows the journey of a woman on a quest of self-discovery. It is broken into three sections - three countries to which she travels in search of pleasure in eating (Italy), praying (India), and finding balance in her life which ultimately lead to love (Bali, Indonesia).
The last two years of my life have been some trying, yet rewarding times and there are some lessons from the book/movie that I feel I can solely relate with. Therefore I thought I'd share some interesting points from this piece.
1. Every city has a word.
She discussed how different cities in Italy had different words, and I began to wonder just what was my word. I often feel I am a person of many different talents, but a word that fully describes me has yet to present itself. At this point in my life...on my quest of self discovery, I've realized that maybe I am a woman still in search of my word. In a recent conversation with an older married woman, I came to realize that in a sense I am going through an identity crisis - moving from a single toward marriage, but not wanting to lose my singularity within the relationship. I'm independent by nature yet that has become one of my biggest flaws. Trying to find the balance of being married but still being a singular and not losing myself will be a true test of my character.
2. Dulce far niente - the sweetness of doing nothing
This is a concept I have found absolute joy within since college. My whole life I have been on the go - always working, partying, socializing, competing, etc. I never slept - always moving as if I would miss something if I wasn't always around. Now, my friends would label me as an old woman. I like to sit at home and watch tv or read. I need not be out on the town, or in the limelight. I am quite content with the peaceful and calm lifestyle - a major change from only two years ago.
3. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation. Always be prepared for endless roads of transformation.
Sometimes I feel I have lived well past my 24 years of life. So many more times, older people tell me even in my maturity and experiences, I have so much living to do. I concede with both. I have been through the storm, and I know there are many more to come. But with each storm, I am stronger, wiser...changed because of it all. Change often scares me, but with time I have learned that you have to adapt and roll with the punches. Taking it all one day at a time smooths the transition through the transformations within myself.
4. If you want to get to the castle, you have to swim the moat.
Nothing in life worth having will be easy. I'm learning that every single day. As many times as I have wanted to simply avoid something in hopes that it would take care of itself, I have realized that if you don't deal with it will MAKE you deal with it later.
5. Sometimes losing your balance for love, is part of living a balanced life.
Everything does not have to always be in perfect order. I'm the type of person to plan out my life. Love has interrupted every plan I have ever had. But it's a welcome interruption and it is worth more than any career I could every have. A year ago I would have said, if I had to choose love or work I'd choose work. I'm career driven, and I had plans. Now...I choose love. I'm lucky to experience such a thing and I believe that God works everything out as he sees fit and one day, every dream and every goal I have will be fulfilled. Call me an optimist if you will, but the balance in my life will prove to be so time.
Tonight I spontaneously went to the movies (by myself) to see just how closely movie fell in line with the book. I absolutely loved the book and the movie (as it always cuts out half of what is in the book) did an excellent job of highlighting the important parts of the book. Many people would disagree because it was a bit shallow however, cramming a 400 plus page book into a movie will have that effect. The book/movie follows the journey of a woman on a quest of self-discovery. It is broken into three sections - three countries to which she travels in search of pleasure in eating (Italy), praying (India), and finding balance in her life which ultimately lead to love (Bali, Indonesia).
The last two years of my life have been some trying, yet rewarding times and there are some lessons from the book/movie that I feel I can solely relate with. Therefore I thought I'd share some interesting points from this piece.
1. Every city has a word.
She discussed how different cities in Italy had different words, and I began to wonder just what was my word. I often feel I am a person of many different talents, but a word that fully describes me has yet to present itself. At this point in my life...on my quest of self discovery, I've realized that maybe I am a woman still in search of my word. In a recent conversation with an older married woman, I came to realize that in a sense I am going through an identity crisis - moving from a single toward marriage, but not wanting to lose my singularity within the relationship. I'm independent by nature yet that has become one of my biggest flaws. Trying to find the balance of being married but still being a singular and not losing myself will be a true test of my character.
2. Dulce far niente - the sweetness of doing nothing
This is a concept I have found absolute joy within since college. My whole life I have been on the go - always working, partying, socializing, competing, etc. I never slept - always moving as if I would miss something if I wasn't always around. Now, my friends would label me as an old woman. I like to sit at home and watch tv or read. I need not be out on the town, or in the limelight. I am quite content with the peaceful and calm lifestyle - a major change from only two years ago.
3. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation. Always be prepared for endless roads of transformation.
Sometimes I feel I have lived well past my 24 years of life. So many more times, older people tell me even in my maturity and experiences, I have so much living to do. I concede with both. I have been through the storm, and I know there are many more to come. But with each storm, I am stronger, wiser...changed because of it all. Change often scares me, but with time I have learned that you have to adapt and roll with the punches. Taking it all one day at a time smooths the transition through the transformations within myself.
4. If you want to get to the castle, you have to swim the moat.
Nothing in life worth having will be easy. I'm learning that every single day. As many times as I have wanted to simply avoid something in hopes that it would take care of itself, I have realized that if you don't deal with it will MAKE you deal with it later.
5. Sometimes losing your balance for love, is part of living a balanced life.
Everything does not have to always be in perfect order. I'm the type of person to plan out my life. Love has interrupted every plan I have ever had. But it's a welcome interruption and it is worth more than any career I could every have. A year ago I would have said, if I had to choose love or work I'd choose work. I'm career driven, and I had plans. Now...I choose love. I'm lucky to experience such a thing and I believe that God works everything out as he sees fit and one day, every dream and every goal I have will be fulfilled. Call me an optimist if you will, but the balance in my life will prove to be so time.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I AM … abundantly and exceedingly blessed.
I WANT… a damier canvas louis vuitton. Who cares if it's from 2 seasons ago.
I HAVE … big dreams...and I will succeed.
I KEEP … a junk food drawer in my nightstand...don't judge me!
I WISH I COULD … indulge in sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. I guess I'll be good and ready when I'm on a baby's schedule lol
I HATE … when people insult my intelligence. Please don't sleep on the pretty face.
I FEAR … rejection...always have :-(
I HEAR … the obnoxious fan from my macbook.
I DON’T THINK … God put me on this earth to settle. He put me here to change the world...and I person at a time.
I REGRET … no regrets. EVER. Everything is always a lesson.
I LOVE … him.period.the end.
I AM NOT … the best at keeping in touch with people. I have good intentions though.
I DANCE … like a stripper. Sorry mom lol.
I SING … the car...with the windows up of course. But only by myself...and don't care when people stare or laugh.
I NEVER … watch scary movies. As a kid they were my favorite. Now they are just stupid.
I RARELY … eat fast food...well for the last 2.5 years anyway. That is the quickest way for me to turn into tubby sue.
I CRY WHEN I WATCH … movies...any kind. Seems like everything moves me these days.
I AM NOT ALWAYS … punctual. I mean I don't run on CP time, but I def move at my own pace.
I HATE THAT … there is never anything on tv at night.
I NEED … some bad pink peep toes for my wedding.
I SHOULD … get on my recruiting grind...def have been putting it on hold all week.
I WANT… a damier canvas louis vuitton. Who cares if it's from 2 seasons ago.
I HAVE … big dreams...and I will succeed.
I KEEP … a junk food drawer in my nightstand...don't judge me!
I WISH I COULD … indulge in sleep for more than 3 hours at a time. I guess I'll be good and ready when I'm on a baby's schedule lol
I HATE … when people insult my intelligence. Please don't sleep on the pretty face.
I FEAR … rejection...always have :-(
I HEAR … the obnoxious fan from my macbook.
I DON’T THINK … God put me on this earth to settle. He put me here to change the world...and I person at a time.
I REGRET … no regrets. EVER. Everything is always a lesson.
I LOVE … him.period.the end.
I AM NOT … the best at keeping in touch with people. I have good intentions though.
I DANCE … like a stripper. Sorry mom lol.
I SING … the car...with the windows up of course. But only by myself...and don't care when people stare or laugh.
I NEVER … watch scary movies. As a kid they were my favorite. Now they are just stupid.
I RARELY … eat fast food...well for the last 2.5 years anyway. That is the quickest way for me to turn into tubby sue.
I CRY WHEN I WATCH … movies...any kind. Seems like everything moves me these days.
I AM NOT ALWAYS … punctual. I mean I don't run on CP time, but I def move at my own pace.
I HATE THAT … there is never anything on tv at night.
I NEED … some bad pink peep toes for my wedding.
I SHOULD … get on my recruiting grind...def have been putting it on hold all week.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
17 things every woman should do before she gets married
So I thought it was fitting to write on this topic (that I stole from another blog) seeing as how I will be married in less than a year.
1. Live by herself for at least a year.
Been there...done the frozen tundra. But I gained a sense of independence and now I'm ready for the next roommate, the hubby.
2. Live with someone else for at least a year.
All of college...4/5 house...loved it (well most of the time anyway lol)
3. Recover from a broken heart.
Sigh...more than a time a two. But it has only made me a stronger person, so for that I will forever be grateful.
4. Take a road-trip with a group of girlfriends.
Got a ticket. 3 girls in one bed. Shopping. <3 my girls ALWAYS!
5. Relish sleeping in a queen-sized bed by herself.
Never known life other than a queen...only moving up from here :-)
6. Get her finances in order.
Working on by day
7. Learn to love her body.
Definitely used to be that shy little girl with big, baggy, boy clothes. can't tell me nothing. I know I'm
8. Find reliable birth control.
Yeah ummm...not tryna be baby mama before wifey.
9. Pay off as much credit card debt and student loans as possible
Again...working on it. Damn retail therapy lol
10. Spend way too much on something frivolous.
Nothing big yet...but I want a Louie V bag and some Christian Louboutins' day a price tag won't even matter
11. Exorcise all past relationship demons.
Left the past in the past. One man has my heart and he has it forever.
12. Travel somewhere exotic.
Paris, Canada, South Africa, Bahamas...and wanting to experience plenty more
13. Establish a strong circle of friends.
I keep my friends close...could care less about enemies. More than just friends...sisters!
14. Forgive her parents for not being perfect.
I will always love them for making me me...but there is so much about me that I feel is jacked up because of them. So I forgive them...I just have to fix me :-/
15. Experience some really bad first dates.
I'm pretty easy to please...all I ask is don't be late and let's not be a jackass. So for the most part even a bad date won't be so bad in my eyes if there is food involved. least I got fed!
16. Find hobbies that fulfill her.
Reality tv whore. avid reader. cross country driver. Texter.
Indulged. In love. Fulfilled.
17. Celebrate her 25th birthday
Couldn't have planned it better myself. I will be 25 years, 2 months, 22 days on my wedding day...I guess it's safe to say that babies are next lol
I love my life...Wouldn't change a single thing. It has made me who I am and now it's time to get ready for the next step :-D
1. Live by herself for at least a year.
Been there...done the frozen tundra. But I gained a sense of independence and now I'm ready for the next roommate, the hubby.
2. Live with someone else for at least a year.
All of college...4/5 house...loved it (well most of the time anyway lol)
3. Recover from a broken heart.
Sigh...more than a time a two. But it has only made me a stronger person, so for that I will forever be grateful.
4. Take a road-trip with a group of girlfriends.
Got a ticket. 3 girls in one bed. Shopping. <3 my girls ALWAYS!
5. Relish sleeping in a queen-sized bed by herself.
Never known life other than a queen...only moving up from here :-)
6. Get her finances in order.
Working on by day
7. Learn to love her body.
Definitely used to be that shy little girl with big, baggy, boy clothes. can't tell me nothing. I know I'm
8. Find reliable birth control.
Yeah ummm...not tryna be baby mama before wifey.
9. Pay off as much credit card debt and student loans as possible
Again...working on it. Damn retail therapy lol
10. Spend way too much on something frivolous.
Nothing big yet...but I want a Louie V bag and some Christian Louboutins' day a price tag won't even matter
11. Exorcise all past relationship demons.
Left the past in the past. One man has my heart and he has it forever.
12. Travel somewhere exotic.
Paris, Canada, South Africa, Bahamas...and wanting to experience plenty more
13. Establish a strong circle of friends.
I keep my friends close...could care less about enemies. More than just friends...sisters!
14. Forgive her parents for not being perfect.
I will always love them for making me me...but there is so much about me that I feel is jacked up because of them. So I forgive them...I just have to fix me :-/
15. Experience some really bad first dates.
I'm pretty easy to please...all I ask is don't be late and let's not be a jackass. So for the most part even a bad date won't be so bad in my eyes if there is food involved. least I got fed!
16. Find hobbies that fulfill her.
Reality tv whore. avid reader. cross country driver. Texter.
Indulged. In love. Fulfilled.
17. Celebrate her 25th birthday
Couldn't have planned it better myself. I will be 25 years, 2 months, 22 days on my wedding day...I guess it's safe to say that babies are next lol
I love my life...Wouldn't change a single thing. It has made me who I am and now it's time to get ready for the next step :-D
Thursday, January 7, 2010
2009 down, 2010 on deck, track season and a wedding in the hole
2009 may have just been the hardest year of my life...but it definitely ended with a bang. After surviving the frozen tundra for a semester, I made my biggest life decision yet and switched jobs and grad schools to come back to Texas. The move was nothing short of tumultuous but I managed to make it through the fall semester with the best supportive cast of family, friends, and a wonderful fiance'! YES you read correctly...I am newly engaged and couldn't be happier.
The picture is not deceiving ring is really that "blingy" lol and I love it to pieces. He did an awesome job picking it out. We still have a lot to figure out as far as the date and job situations, but I know that God will work it out as he sees fit.
Track season is my next endeavor and it is literally right around the corner. Once it wont stop until June and I'm hoping to squeeze in some QT with the boo somewhere in between the next 6 months. So many people question how we survive with the distance, but it takes two people to truly want it to work and that's how we've made it through the last 18 months. Theoretically we have about 18 more to go but neither of us knows how the wind will blow us between now and then.
Back to track! I'm excited about the season and I look for my kids to start out with a bang. They have put in the work in the fall AND actually maintained over Christmas break. Their diligence and hard work will pay off and when it does it will be BIG! On another note...I got my first commitment from a recruit and I'm super excited about it. Now all I need is 2 guys and I'll be good to go for next fall.
And this wedding business...I finally bought my first bridal magazine although right now I'm totally okay with letting someone else plan it. I kind of have an idea of what I want and what I want it to look like, so now I just need someone to make it happen AND a whole lot of money to get the process started. Any takers??

Track season is my next endeavor and it is literally right around the corner. Once it wont stop until June and I'm hoping to squeeze in some QT with the boo somewhere in between the next 6 months. So many people question how we survive with the distance, but it takes two people to truly want it to work and that's how we've made it through the last 18 months. Theoretically we have about 18 more to go but neither of us knows how the wind will blow us between now and then.
Back to track! I'm excited about the season and I look for my kids to start out with a bang. They have put in the work in the fall AND actually maintained over Christmas break. Their diligence and hard work will pay off and when it does it will be BIG! On another note...I got my first commitment from a recruit and I'm super excited about it. Now all I need is 2 guys and I'll be good to go for next fall.
And this wedding business...I finally bought my first bridal magazine although right now I'm totally okay with letting someone else plan it. I kind of have an idea of what I want and what I want it to look like, so now I just need someone to make it happen AND a whole lot of money to get the process started. Any takers??
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