Soooooooo...it's been almost 2 years since my last post and I promise I'll do better this time around.
A huge update is necessary. I'm no longer a MISS...and instead I finally got my MRS degree this summer lol. So yay me...4 months in and we are still kicking. I've relocated AGAIN - definitely a product of being a coach AND a coach's wife. I'm now a member of the SHEherd at Marshall University and I'm super excited to be a part of the new change that is about to run amuck within this program. I'm also an Asst Professor in the school of kinesiology. Honestly I couldn't be more happy right now. I'm finally getting to live my dream in being with my love, forming a dynamic duo in the track coaching world with my husband, and being able to be a college professor. Right now life is just grand...well minus the West Virginia weather which I'm still getting used to.
This is my first full Thanksgiving vacation in years and I'm taking this time to re-evaluate some things and get ready for the season...oh and write 4 papers in a week so that I can officially be half way done with my doctorate. Right now I'm happy and I'm grateful for the space that God has placed me in...life really is a blessing and I hope that each day in can bless all that I come in contact with as much as God has been blessing me.