In less than 2 days, I will once again get to sit in the company of one of my best friends. First off I'm sooooo incredibly excited to have a visitor, and second, for a cool 4 days I get to pretend like my life is back where it was 3 months ago. Our to-do list is definitely not the most exciting, but we get to be in each other's company and that in itself is enough for me. The one thing that I absolutely can't wait to do it watch Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill on Monday night with her. To many this may seem like the lamest of things, but to us this is what our lives revolve around. When I was back in Houston and had to work until midnight, Britt would stay up and wait until I got home just to sit and watch the shows AGAIN with me on tivo. Watching them here in Massachusetts is just not the same by myself, so for one day I get to pretend like things never changed. We will definitely shop and sight see a bit, since I'm still quite unfamiliar with the area...and we also plan to catch a Cirque de Soleil show in Beantown. I'm really hoping we can find a club to 'let loose' in for a night...would be great to shake what my mama gave me with one of my fav clubbers. With all that said...I wish she would just get here already so we can get the party started.
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