1. My number one weakness is chocolate...in ice cream, and milk, hot chocolate, with peanut butter, and whip cream, with caramel and nougat, or just by itself...With it you can win my heart.
2. I love the sight of fresh snow...when it's still in powder form and white (not the brown slush it turns to when it is plowed to the side of the road). I do however hate this "wintry mix" b.s. Snow + freezing rain + hail = a whole lot of slushy mess....ewwwww! AND it messed up my Uggs...so not ok!
3. I love to talk, but I get really nervous speaking in front of large groups of people. I don't know how I made it through teaching a class without having my voice quiver one single time.
4. I expect too much of people...and I often think it's because I would do so much for them.
5. Tess, our equipment manager, is probably my most favorite person on campus. She always smiles at me and asks me how I'm doing...and the funny part is, I don't even think she knows my name. She just sees me as the only black assistant coach we have at Smith.
6. My dream wedding would be small and intimate (maybe on a beach, where I could theoretically be barefoot or in flip flops...not the old navy ones but some nice flat sandals)...however, because I know my family oh so well, I know they will want to make this a grand occasion ESPECIALLY if I'm the first grandchild to get married.
7. I also want a bad ass ring...one that screams "I'm taken", but at the same time is dainty and simple just like me (very contradictory I know)
8. I indulge in the fact that I'm a southern girl...and make sure to be as polite as possible to all the crabby northerners that surround me everyday. However, I can flip the switch to B*%^& mode with the quickness so don't ever take my kindness for weakness.
9. I do in fact "walk like this because I can back it up." Beyonce said it best...I do have a big ego.
10. I love weave...and I love changing my hair like I change my underwear. I really have an affinity for textured hair and since mine doesn't have natural curls, I buy hair that does. Plus I love long hair...except that when I wear it long, I only wear it in a pony tail...odd, I know.
11. Movies that make me cry are the best...the end. (despite the fact that I hate for people to see me cry)
12. I'm learning that over time things will change...and instead of fighting it with a baseball bat, I'm starting to embrace it. People come in and out of your life. Life is never as planned, and all I can do is roll with the punches.
13. I can't decide about the children issue. Some days I want a sandlot full, and other days I can't see myself taking care of another human being. Selfishness has never been one of my better traits (Plus I don't want to get fat...plain and simple). I have however started a baby name list...except they are all girl names, and everyone knows I only want boys...ok...maybe ONE little princess.
14. I'm always hungry and sleepy...ALWAYS. I'm not really sure why...but I am. I can eat you out of a house and home with out a problem, and then hibernate like a bear for days at a time. Sleep has even taken over me watching my tv shows...so you know it's something serious.
15. I love pumps, stilettos, and anything else that can put 4-5inches on my frame. I like being tall because it makes me feel in command...and it does something to my swag when I strut in them.
16. I wish I could stay in my 20s forever. I just don't want to get old. I don't want wrinkles or cellulite...hence the reason why it is so important to me to workout (which I've been slacking on) and get plenty of beauty sleep.
18. I'm afraid of hips. I see my mom's and aunts and they look like they have 2 midgets hanging on to the side of them. They said they come from having babies...so maybe that'll be another reason why I might not have any.
19. The most efficient way to contact me is to text me. I'd prefer to type than talk any day...and my blackberry is almost always attached to some part of my body.
20. I finally went to the movies by myself...and aside the fact that there was a guy smoking weed in the theatre, I think me, myself, and I had a very nice date. Can't wait to do it again.
21. I'm so enthused about going to the beach as soon as I can get away from MA...however, I don't like to swim, or be in water for that matter so I don't know where this excitement comes from. I just simply want to tan...and walk around in my swimsuit without people wondering why I'm always half naked.
22. I'm named after my daddy. His name is WalLACE...so my mom took the last four letters and added and E' to get LACEE'. I hated my name until I got to high school and then I loved the fact that I was different. I am now obsessed with my double E, so I want to add that to my kid's name.
23. I'm the messiest person you will ever meet...but I always know where to find things in my house. I've accepted the fact that I will hire a "Magdalena" or "Patricia" to come clean my house from time to time once I get married...of course the hubby will never know ;-)
24. I'm a track-fene. I check results constantly...thank God for my handy dandy crackberry. I always want to know what's going on...
25. I'm a numbers person. When I was younger and just learning about taxes, I used to calculate the taxes on my mom's groceries (in my head) before the cashier could do so at the register. Now they've upgraded and it beats me to it.
26. I like to people watch...and make up stories about their lives. Weird...I know.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
simple randomness
Sooooo...life has been semi-hectic since my last post.
- My J-term class that I taught ended. I really enjoyed teaching and my students were amazing. Plus the girl I co-taught with is simply amazing and I think we now have begun the start of a great friendship. The class was extremely intense with 9 days of 3 hour classes plus labs, so as a teacher that meant an immense amount of grading and lecturing, and a lack of sleep for two weeks.
-We had a track meet (which was an in betweener on the horrible-to-great scale.) We had one girl qualify automatically for nationals in the pole vault and another couple for division III new england championships. We also had a host of personal bests, however everyone just seemed flat due to the 3 weeks of 2-a-days.
- I, myself, competed in 2 track meets. I long jumped in both, and sprinted and triple jumped in the 2nd one. It was an interesting experience and it totally made me realize just how much I really miss competing. Coaching is great (and I wouldn't trade it for the world) but if I could compete every so often I think I would get my adrenaline fix and that would be wonderful. I would like to say that my jumps were only 4 inches and 1 inch, respectively, off where I opened last year AFTER 5 months of training. This was purely fun, with little to no training, so I'm not sure if I should be happy that "I've still got it" or if I should be ticked because I feel like I never achieved my full potential in college.
- Spring semester has officially started which in turn has brought me tremendous grief and irritation. The last few days I feel as though I've been simply going through the motions of life because I've been so upset and dismantled. I'm trying to drop a class but one faculty member in particular is making it extremely difficult. My teaching assignment was also changed, which made me a little upset because I spent time developing the class and now I feel like it's all in vain. I like my new assignment, but I don't like the fact that I didn't have much of a decision in the matter.
-The snow has taken over my life. Point blank. The end.

***outside of the gym (my second home)
- I think I've lost a best friend...not really sure what to do about the situation so...
- I'm unsure how I feel about the upcoming "single awareness day" aka valentine's day. I mean I'm not single by any means...but it's just never been one of my favorites and despite being in a relationship I will still have to celebrate it alone :-/
-Our track team is dwindling...every few days someone else quits. I like the idea of the power in numbers, but the ones who are sticking around are the meat and potatoes of the team so maybe we should think of quality over quantity.
- I found a new coffee shop that I love...haven't exactly tried the coffee, but the hot chocolate is the bomb.dot.com.
- I had an emotional breakdown in my adviser's office earlier this week...I hate when people see me cry because it shows my vulnerability and I think she was just as shocked because she says I'm "one tough cookie."
- I'm extremely grateful (this week) for Felicia (my lone black homegirl here), ALL of the track coaches, Michelle (my boss), Jane (my advisor), Jen (my new bff/coffee shop buddy/teaching partner), Sheila (old faithful), and HIM (for simply understanding me better than I sometimes understand myself)
- Oh yeah...I got straight A's for the first time since high school...whoop whoop for me lol
Sorry for the long post...been a mad crazy week. All I need in this life right now is SLEEP.
- My J-term class that I taught ended. I really enjoyed teaching and my students were amazing. Plus the girl I co-taught with is simply amazing and I think we now have begun the start of a great friendship. The class was extremely intense with 9 days of 3 hour classes plus labs, so as a teacher that meant an immense amount of grading and lecturing, and a lack of sleep for two weeks.
-We had a track meet (which was an in betweener on the horrible-to-great scale.) We had one girl qualify automatically for nationals in the pole vault and another couple for division III new england championships. We also had a host of personal bests, however everyone just seemed flat due to the 3 weeks of 2-a-days.
- I, myself, competed in 2 track meets. I long jumped in both, and sprinted and triple jumped in the 2nd one. It was an interesting experience and it totally made me realize just how much I really miss competing. Coaching is great (and I wouldn't trade it for the world) but if I could compete every so often I think I would get my adrenaline fix and that would be wonderful. I would like to say that my jumps were only 4 inches and 1 inch, respectively, off where I opened last year AFTER 5 months of training. This was purely fun, with little to no training, so I'm not sure if I should be happy that "I've still got it" or if I should be ticked because I feel like I never achieved my full potential in college.
- Spring semester has officially started which in turn has brought me tremendous grief and irritation. The last few days I feel as though I've been simply going through the motions of life because I've been so upset and dismantled. I'm trying to drop a class but one faculty member in particular is making it extremely difficult. My teaching assignment was also changed, which made me a little upset because I spent time developing the class and now I feel like it's all in vain. I like my new assignment, but I don't like the fact that I didn't have much of a decision in the matter.
-The snow has taken over my life. Point blank. The end.

***outside of the gym (my second home)
- I think I've lost a best friend...not really sure what to do about the situation so...
- I'm unsure how I feel about the upcoming "single awareness day" aka valentine's day. I mean I'm not single by any means...but it's just never been one of my favorites and despite being in a relationship I will still have to celebrate it alone :-/
-Our track team is dwindling...every few days someone else quits. I like the idea of the power in numbers, but the ones who are sticking around are the meat and potatoes of the team so maybe we should think of quality over quantity.
- I found a new coffee shop that I love...haven't exactly tried the coffee, but the hot chocolate is the bomb.dot.com.
- I had an emotional breakdown in my adviser's office earlier this week...I hate when people see me cry because it shows my vulnerability and I think she was just as shocked because she says I'm "one tough cookie."
- I'm extremely grateful (this week) for Felicia (my lone black homegirl here), ALL of the track coaches, Michelle (my boss), Jane (my advisor), Jen (my new bff/coffee shop buddy/teaching partner), Sheila (old faithful), and HIM (for simply understanding me better than I sometimes understand myself)
- Oh yeah...I got straight A's for the first time since high school...whoop whoop for me lol
Sorry for the long post...been a mad crazy week. All I need in this life right now is SLEEP.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
80s day!!!!
Not much has gone on since I last posted. We got snowed in on Sunday so we had to cancel our Dartmouth meet. I was actually happy because I hate the fact that my girls have like 10 indoor meets when I'm so used to competing in a mere 4...also, I was grateful for the down time Sunday so that I could 'get my mind right' for my first official class as a TEACHER!!!!!
Tuesday was my first real lecture and according to my athletes (2 are in my class), I did not screw up and I was super adorable holding my laptop in one hand and a piece of chalk in the other. Yes you read right...I refuse to print my notes until I have the entire 13 lessons complete. I already have 30 pages so there is no need to waste trees...we're supposed to be going green anyway, right?
Practice has been sweet this week...and we even had a themed day today. YAY for 80s day!!!! I absolutely love the Jane Fonda look of the eighties workout gear and pretty much the entire team AND coaches participated in the dress up day. Here are a few pics:

***my official "work wife," Shannon...yay! for being a coach
P.S. I'm officially back on my work-out game...look for me in London 2012 (lol)
Tuesday was my first real lecture and according to my athletes (2 are in my class), I did not screw up and I was super adorable holding my laptop in one hand and a piece of chalk in the other. Yes you read right...I refuse to print my notes until I have the entire 13 lessons complete. I already have 30 pages so there is no need to waste trees...we're supposed to be going green anyway, right?
Practice has been sweet this week...and we even had a themed day today. YAY for 80s day!!!! I absolutely love the Jane Fonda look of the eighties workout gear and pretty much the entire team AND coaches participated in the dress up day. Here are a few pics:
***my official "work wife," Shannon...yay! for being a coach
P.S. I'm officially back on my work-out game...look for me in London 2012 (lol)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
2008 in Review
While everyone was anxiously awaiting the arrival of 2009, I simply did not want the year to end. 2008 was by far NOT the best year of my life...but is surely wasn't the worst. So this post is dedicated to the recap of my year in all its wonderful-ness and disappointment.
In 2008...
I had my heart broken...AND I fell in love all over again. My love life was nothing short of a roller coaster...but as always, I'm a stronger, more confident woman who is still learning many things about myself. CHEERS to the lucky man who holds my heart in his hands.
I finished my track career (still contemplating a comeback...lol) with ANOTHER conference championship. I started as a lowly walk-on who passed out the first day of practice, and I emerged as an integral part of the team. While I was never the most talented, the size of my heart could never be questioned. My coaches saw something in me from the beginning, and I am forever grateful for them believing in me and simply giving me a 'chance.'

I officially became a Rice alum. All of my hard work from the last four years paid off when I walked through that Sallyport and saw my ENTIRE family waiting for me. I will never forget that

***yes this is my outfit from graduation...Houston heat is NOT what's up in mid May
I officially became a grown-up...well in my eyes anyway. I moved 2000 miles away from what I've called home for the last 22 years of my life and began my life in the not so great state of Massachusetts. It's cold, I'm lonely, and I really don't have any friends (well a select few anyway)...HOWEVER...while some days are better than others...AND I often question why the heck I moved out here...IF I had to do it all over again...I wouldn't change a thing BECAUSE I've been afforded the opportunity to see something different...to live outside my comfort zone...to chase my dream...and simply just grow the heck up.

I realized the value of the relationships I have built over my lifetime. It's semi-sad that I had to move 2000 miles away...but hey, I've always been hard head and stubborn. My family and friends are my support system. Without them I would not be the person I am today...and for that I will ALWAYS love them. It's true when they say, you go to college to find your bridesmaids and NOT your husband. I have the best friends a girl could ask for and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

In 2009...
I simply want to become a better ME. I want to smile more...inspire someone...love harder...live freely...and make a difference is some one's life. I want to make this world a better place because I'm in it...and I really don't think that's too much to ask of myself.
In 2008...
I had my heart broken...AND I fell in love all over again. My love life was nothing short of a roller coaster...but as always, I'm a stronger, more confident woman who is still learning many things about myself. CHEERS to the lucky man who holds my heart in his hands.
I finished my track career (still contemplating a comeback...lol) with ANOTHER conference championship. I started as a lowly walk-on who passed out the first day of practice, and I emerged as an integral part of the team. While I was never the most talented, the size of my heart could never be questioned. My coaches saw something in me from the beginning, and I am forever grateful for them believing in me and simply giving me a 'chance.'

I officially became a Rice alum. All of my hard work from the last four years paid off when I walked through that Sallyport and saw my ENTIRE family waiting for me. I will never forget that
***yes this is my outfit from graduation...Houston heat is NOT what's up in mid May
I officially became a grown-up...well in my eyes anyway. I moved 2000 miles away from what I've called home for the last 22 years of my life and began my life in the not so great state of Massachusetts. It's cold, I'm lonely, and I really don't have any friends (well a select few anyway)...HOWEVER...while some days are better than others...AND I often question why the heck I moved out here...IF I had to do it all over again...I wouldn't change a thing BECAUSE I've been afforded the opportunity to see something different...to live outside my comfort zone...to chase my dream...and simply just grow the heck up.
I realized the value of the relationships I have built over my lifetime. It's semi-sad that I had to move 2000 miles away...but hey, I've always been hard head and stubborn. My family and friends are my support system. Without them I would not be the person I am today...and for that I will ALWAYS love them. It's true when they say, you go to college to find your bridesmaids and NOT your husband. I have the best friends a girl could ask for and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

In 2009...
I simply want to become a better ME. I want to smile more...inspire someone...love harder...live freely...and make a difference is some one's life. I want to make this world a better place because I'm in it...and I really don't think that's too much to ask of myself.
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