In 2008...
I had my heart broken...AND I fell in love all over again. My love life was nothing short of a roller coaster...but as always, I'm a stronger, more confident woman who is still learning many things about myself. CHEERS to the lucky man who holds my heart in his hands.
I finished my track career (still contemplating a with ANOTHER conference championship. I started as a lowly walk-on who passed out the first day of practice, and I emerged as an integral part of the team. While I was never the most talented, the size of my heart could never be questioned. My coaches saw something in me from the beginning, and I am forever grateful for them believing in me and simply giving me a 'chance.'

I officially became a Rice alum. All of my hard work from the last four years paid off when I walked through that Sallyport and saw my ENTIRE family waiting for me. I will never forget that
***yes this is my outfit from graduation...Houston heat is NOT what's up in mid May
I officially became a grown-up...well in my eyes anyway. I moved 2000 miles away from what I've called home for the last 22 years of my life and began my life in the not so great state of Massachusetts. It's cold, I'm lonely, and I really don't have any friends (well a select few anyway)...HOWEVER...while some days are better than others...AND I often question why the heck I moved out here...IF I had to do it all over again...I wouldn't change a thing BECAUSE I've been afforded the opportunity to see something live outside my comfort chase my dream...and simply just grow the heck up.
I realized the value of the relationships I have built over my lifetime. It's semi-sad that I had to move 2000 miles away...but hey, I've always been hard head and stubborn. My family and friends are my support system. Without them I would not be the person I am today...and for that I will ALWAYS love them. It's true when they say, you go to college to find your bridesmaids and NOT your husband. I have the best friends a girl could ask for and I wouldn't trade them for the world.

In 2009...
I simply want to become a better ME. I want to smile more...inspire freely...and make a difference is some one's life. I want to make this world a better place because I'm in it...and I really don't think that's too much to ask of myself.
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