1. Communication is the key to life...AND the key to love. I'm working to hone my skills, but for those that know me, know that I've come a long way since I was the 12 year old mouse kid who walked around with a huge smile as if life was made of sunshine and peaches when in all actuality it is not.
2. Learn to love to read! I had to learn the hard way because I was punished for 3 months in high school and that was pretty much the only thing I could do...but since then I have no problem indulging myself in a book. I like to think it has helped enhance my vocabulary.
3. Believe in yourself. If you don't, how can you expect anyone else to?
4. In order to have good friends, you must be a GREAT friend.
5. Never turn your back on your parents. As much as my mom and I don't get along, she was the one person who moved me into college my freshman year, and drove 29hrs to move me in to my apartment for grad school. If that ain't love I don't know what it is.
6. If you want to live your life free from addiction, DO NOT GET A BLACKBERRY.
7. On the technology note...Mac books are the best. Once you go Mac, you never go back.
8. There is no such thing as a 100% man/woman...if you can get 85 or better, baby you are doing great!
9. Don't be afraid to put it in the wind...sometimes you just have to get up and go and leave all your worries behind.
10. If you are going to come in after curfew, you might as well do it big. 2 minutes or 2 hours honestly doesn't matter. You will still be grounded til the day you graduate.
11. Hurricanes can change you life in an instant. When the weather man says go...it might be wise to listen. I'd rather it be my house than my life.
12. If the princess ain't happy, ain't nobody happy (on the mug that I received for my birthday). If that doesn't speak volumes about me I don't know what does. I really have a way of my making everyone else's life miserable if mine is not going perfectly.
13. Blond hair dye is not whats up if you are a black girl (even if you are bright). It may seem awesome and "different" at the time, but when you look at pictures of yourself years later, the first thing that will come to mind is "wtf?"
14. If you go to the club and the bouncer knows your name...that is not a good look for you. That means you need to slow your roll, because obviously you are doing too much with your life.
15. If you have roommates for 3 consecutive years...stay with them. Moving in with someone you barely know is not whats up.
16. Better yet, just live alone...that way everyone is happy.
17. Don't follow your dreams...Chase them!
18. It's ok to try everything at least once...never think of things as regrets...see them as "learning" experiences.
19. Never judge a book by its cover. There is so much more to people than what meets the eye.
20. Facebook ruins lives and relationships...still hasn't stopped my addiction to it though.
21. Play the hand that you are given. Nothing is ever going to be perfect, but it you put your all into what you have, something perfect will always result.
22. Time heals all wounds...but it takes just that...TIME
23. True love is definitely worth the risk. Always follow your heart. I tend to run a lot, and for whatever reason I stopped this time...I've never been more happy that I did so.
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