Being a track coach, I'm never going to avoid celebrating my birthday during the season. For the past few years, it has fallen on a practice day, but NEVER on a meet day. This year proved no different however, it was spent on a 4 hour bus ride to Maine. Woohoo!!!! Can't get anymore exciting than traveling to Maine, right? Well actually, this was probably the most simple birthday ever (seeing as how I had HUGE parties all through college), but I enjoyed EVERY single minute of it. I feel like it goes with my, calm and collected. I had dinner and drinks with a select few the night before. 2 of the closest people to me in MA bought me a cake and balloon (of which I shared...which if you don't know me, that is huge because I don't like to share food...especially sweets). The girls chose decent movies on the bus ride (which made it that much more tolerable). They sang Happy Birthday (actually so did my aunt, cousin, and best friend on my voicemail as well lol). And I received so many thoughtful cards that I swear I cried on most of them. For the first time this semester I was truly happy for an entire day...and gosh did it feel good!
Felicia, me, and Shan (<3 these girls)
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