Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Just when I thought things could get no worse yesterday...they did! And 10 times over at that...

After work I decided to "re-start" my in that I mean, I went to Felicia's apartment to take a nap. I always feel better when I can sleep away my negativity and I feel refreshed when I wake up...well most of the time that is.

I woke up pretty indifferent toward everything, but practice usually cheers me up so I felt like things would end on a positive note. Well everything was going according to plan. The weather was pleasant (about 58 and sunny). Everyone showed up to practice (yes it is totally allowed to just come and go as you please...hey that's not my rule so I can't say much about it). Relay exchanges were surprisingly on point...because this weekend was more closer to hectic than anything else. Hurdle drills and plyos were better than usual. Then it was time for starts...and thus the problems begin.

My 400 hurdler that I gloated about in the previous blog, comes barrelling through the first hurdle, clips it with her lead leg, proceeds to do a somersault in the air, and lands on the left side of her head. My first reaction was "OH SHIT!" I ran over to her along with Carla (the head coach) and Valerie (the distance coach), and she is laid out on the track. Now this is where the story gets interesting. I run down to the lacrosse field to get a trainer (because all of them were strategically situated around the lacrosse game...i.e., watching and not paying attention to the 3 other sports who were practicing at the same time). Once I get there (after having sprinted over), I say we need a trainer atop the hill on the track. The response I got was "FOR WHAT?" In my head I wanted to say, "look I didn't run down here to get a m/f'in bandaid", but I kept my cool and explained the situation. Of course they send the GA, who semi sprints back with me, and after examining her, she decides she wants to sit her up. I'm like are you freaking kidding. Now I know I'm not a licensed anything, but in CPR/first aid we learn to NEVER move someone who might have a possible neck injury. Any who...we decide to call public safety, who zooms the wrong side of the track...and then calmly WALKS over like the situation is NOT an urgent emergency. The ambulance is called and they come load her on the stretcher, all wrapped up in the head/neck brace and spine board. THEN... the ambulance gets stuck in the mud so they have to call the fire truck to come get them out, and another ambulance to come transport our injured athlete. By the time they made it to the hospital to meet me (who had been there for about 30min with the insurance info), it had been a whopping 1HOUR since the incident occurred. Now mind you the hospital is 3 min from school. Thank God this was not a life threatening emergency b/c she would have been dead.

The hospital people were total butts like sense of urgency at all...I'm still trying to figure out why it's call an EMERGENCY room if no one gives a flying flip and clearly work on their own time. 4 hours, 2 CAT scans, and 1 xray later, they let us leave but not before telling us that our budding star has 2 weeks (at least) of NO physical activity. I swear my heart broke instantly. It was almost as bad as finding out you've been cheated on by the love of you life.

We then decide to treat ourselves to dinner on Mother Smith because it is after 10pm by this time.

But wait there's more...

After dropping everyone off...I'm on my way home...and my car runs out of gas...on the freeway...with no the middle of freakin nowhere! Yes I know it's all my fault, but really???? My day went from a 1 on the shit scale to a cool -15. But by this point I could really care less. Normally I'd get super frantic about a situation like this, but honestly all I could do was laugh it off and wait for Carla to bring me a gas can. This gas can she brought had like an inkling of gas in it...I was like oh Lord this is about to be rough trying to make it home. But I did, and I found out that unlike in Texas, once a gas station closes here...there is no such thing of pumping and just charging it to your credit card. Oh well...

I finally made it to my bed at around was a day of hell nonetheless...but for once I wasn't mad...just happy that I could finally close my eye lids and dream of starting my day off right today.

So for today, I've got the update on my hurdler (she has some war wounds and is incredibly she still doesn't remember what happened), I found out I get to make a cool video project, AND I made a difference in the life of a few of my students in my physical conditioning classes just by playing KICKBALL.

Maybe yesterday was just God's way of telling me to step back and be grateful for all that I have, because in an instance it can all be taken away...It sucks be so hard headed all the time...

1 comment:

LaidyLike said...

WOOOOOOW!!!!!!!! Girl I hate days like that!!! Ugh.