Thursday, July 23, 2009

welcome to the motherland...

So currently as I type I am in the Cape Town International Airport. We have about 5 more hours before we head back to the states and I have to say that I have mixed feelings about leaving. I love being an American, and this trip has taught me a bit about valuing the little things around me, but at the same time this is the most beautiful place I've ever visited and I am a huge sucker for gorgeous scenery. I'll put up pics of my entire summer vacation (down the eastern seaboard, across the gulf coast and over the big pond) when I get some time and get settled. It's been a summer of mixed emotions...but I survived. And now I have a whole new chapter in my life to look forward to AFTER I move my life back from Massachusetts.

But for now I'm off to check in for my flight across the big pond...