Thursday, March 30, 2017


This week I had a graduate student request to interview me for a leadership assignment she had to complete for one of her courses. I always love things like this because it offers me the opportunity to share my story. I'm a firm believer that everything that has happened in my life provides a platform that God has given me to stand on. I'm different...and I know that. My path through life has not been conventional. Many people would call me lucky, but always refer to myself as blessed (and highly favored). Now don't get me wrong...I have worked my butt off to get where I am, and to go where I will go, but God has opened MANY doors for reasons I am still trying to figure out. One thing I do know is that I ALWAYS make the best of each situation. I'm not going to sit around and half do anything. If I'm in there...I'm committed. 

So back to this interview. I really didn't know what to expect, but one thing that stuck out to me was a question on what I have taken from the various positions I have been privileged to hold. I had a pretty good answer right away (I am usually pretty quick on my feet), but this week I have found myself reflecting back to this question over and over again. I'm had some awesome bosses and witnessed some awesome leadership styles. But I have always seen some not so great things. I understand the hierarchy and what I won't do is overstep my boundaries...unless necessary. However, from every single position I have been in, I have taken SOMETHING from them...and I hope that I have left them better than I when I came in. 

I ran across this article this week, 10 signs you are a terrible leader, and it really struck me some kind of way. I saved it, so that I can refer back to it often. One thing I say often is that "I'm not trying to be mediocre...or even great. I am trying to be THE BEST." I have no problem being humbled, and the biggest thing is admitting your faults. GREAT leaders do several things. They hire people who are better at them in areas they know they know they struggle. They always have their subordinates' backs. They set a standard by EXAMPLE. They are not afraid of conflict and they realize in the is not about them.

I don't feel like I can pinpoint a specific leadership style or category that I fit in to. But I do know that I'm willing to adapt...I'm not afraid of change...and that although I know I can lead, I can also follow, and that is something that will always help me stand out of from the crowd!
Image result for leadership quotes

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