Saturday, August 21, 2010

eat. pray. love.

A few months ago I was watching Oprah and she did a piece on the the new movie Eat Pray Love based on the book by Elizabeth Gilbert. What truly caught my attention was that Julia Roberts was the main character and I have been a big fan of hers since Pretty Woman. I can still watch that movie and enjoy it today as if I haven't seen it over 100 times. Anyhow...I decided that I would read the book before the movie came out so I downloaded it to my kindle and it was added to the collection of books that I would read this summer.

Tonight I spontaneously went to the movies (by myself) to see just how closely movie fell in line with the book. I absolutely loved the book and the movie (as it always cuts out half of what is in the book) did an excellent job of highlighting the important parts of the book. Many people would disagree because it was a bit shallow however, cramming a 400 plus page book into a movie will have that effect. The book/movie follows the journey of a woman on a quest of self-discovery. It is broken into three sections - three countries to which she travels in search of pleasure in eating (Italy), praying (India), and finding balance in her life which ultimately lead to love (Bali, Indonesia).

The last two years of my life have been some trying, yet rewarding times and there are some lessons from the book/movie that I feel I can solely relate with. Therefore I thought I'd share some interesting points from this piece.

1. Every city has a word.
She discussed how different cities in Italy had different words, and I began to wonder just what was my word. I often feel I am a person of many different talents, but a word that fully describes me has yet to present itself. At this point in my life...on my quest of self discovery, I've realized that maybe I am a woman still in search of my word. In a recent conversation with an older married woman, I came to realize that in a sense I am going through an identity crisis - moving from a single toward marriage, but not wanting to lose my singularity within the relationship. I'm independent by nature yet that has become one of my biggest flaws. Trying to find the balance of being married but still being a singular and not losing myself will be a true test of my character.

2. Dulce far niente - the sweetness of doing nothing
This is a concept I have found absolute joy within since college. My whole life I have been on the go - always working, partying, socializing, competing, etc. I never slept - always moving as if I would miss something if I wasn't always around. Now, my friends would label me as an old woman. I like to sit at home and watch tv or read. I need not be out on the town, or in the limelight. I am quite content with the peaceful and calm lifestyle - a major change from only two years ago.

3. Ruin is a gift. Ruin is the road to transformation. Always be prepared for endless roads of transformation.
Sometimes I feel I have lived well past my 24 years of life. So many more times, older people tell me even in my maturity and experiences, I have so much living to do. I concede with both. I have been through the storm, and I know there are many more to come. But with each storm, I am stronger, wiser...changed because of it all. Change often scares me, but with time I have learned that you have to adapt and roll with the punches. Taking it all one day at a time smooths the transition through the transformations within myself.

4. If you want to get to the castle, you have to swim the moat.
Nothing in life worth having will be easy. I'm learning that every single day. As many times as I have wanted to simply avoid something in hopes that it would take care of itself, I have realized that if you don't deal with it will MAKE you deal with it later.

5. Sometimes losing your balance for love, is part of living a balanced life.
Everything does not have to always be in perfect order. I'm the type of person to plan out my life. Love has interrupted every plan I have ever had. But it's a welcome interruption and it is worth more than any career I could every have. A year ago I would have said, if I had to choose love or work I'd choose work. I'm career driven, and I had plans. Now...I choose love. I'm lucky to experience such a thing and I believe that God works everything out as he sees fit and one day, every dream and every goal I have will be fulfilled. Call me an optimist if you will, but the balance in my life will prove to be so time.

1 comment:

Valeriya said...

Love it Lace. Bout to watch it myself