Sunday, November 15, 2009

Defining moments...

So today in church we entered the 2nd part of a series entitled defining moments. I thought this would be a perfect topic to blog about so I figured I'd share some "defining moments" in my life.

**the moment I knew I wanted to coach
- All my life I wanted to be a doctor (and maybe someday I still will fulfill that dream lol), but once I got through my first year of college I started questioning if that was something I really wanted to do. I love helping people but being a doctor lacks the social interaction that I so highly crave and being a nurse just doesn't cut it, because I just want to be my own boss. So anyhow, I spent a year not knowing exactly how I would spend the rest of my life. The summer after my sophomore year a friend of mine asked me if I would help her coach a summer AAU basketball team back home. I said yes although I had a full time job in Houston and this would mean commuting once or twice a week back home (3hrs round trip) AND giving up my weekends, but my dad was having some medical complications so this was a good reason to visit more that normally. Well little did I know, I would fall in love with this "summer volunteer job." After our first tournament, I just knew that this is what I wanted to do full time. I felt so fulfilled that I could share my passion with others and see them succeed all at the same time. I started coaching basketball, but I have this long standing love affair with track. While basketball has my heart, track is something that I've done since I was 6 and was the one thing that gave me a chance at college athletics and brought many life lessons and successes along the way. So in a way I still get to help people (just not how I always dreamed in a medical setting), and although the paycheck is not even close to the same, the joy is more that I could have ever imagined.

**the moment I turned to my faith for true guidance
- I guess this could also be stated in me turning my life over to God, but I've been a Christian my whole life so I guess saying re-committed my life to Christ may be the correct statement. Last year was by far one of the hardest in my life. I have always had a super supportive family and friends that would kill for me, but somehow I still manage to feel alone from time to time. Well last year I hit an all time low. Some may say that I was just homesick, but I feel as though I am a strong individual and can stand on my own two feet most always. For the longest I just felt extremely depressed and it had a horrible effect on my relationship and my school work, and it seemed the only think that kept me going was coaching (which was only 2-3hrs out of my day). After a conversation with my mom, a light came on that I would not be able to make it through the hard times by myself. I turned to God, and began going back to church and praying more than ever. This summer he put an opportunity in front of me that has since changed my life dramatically. In doing so, while I am much happier, I also am faced with a bigger dilemma in my relationship. However, I am stronger in my faith than I have ever been so I know that he will make a way. I know that it may not be ideal or may not come exactly when I want it to, but his plan for my life is great, and that is something that I will never doubt. I grew up hearing to train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. 23 years later I am living proof.

**the moment I knew he was my forever
- I cannot pin point the day. I fell in love early in the relationship but even then, I think I still did not know that he was THE one. Now 1 year, 8 months, and 15 days since we first met I am without a shadow of a doubt, absolutely 100% positive, that HE IS THE ONE. With him I have this constant feeling of amazing-ness...this overwhelming joy...this love that I cannot explain. I smile just thinking about it...and my heart smiles even brighter!

There are many moments that standout in my life, but those are a few that truly define who I am. These are moments that will live forever in my heart.


tiffany said...

Loved learning about your defining moments. Gave me an opportunity to reflect on mine. I have something to share with you that I thought you might want to know. I spent half of my undergraduate years as a pre-med major as well. We should chat about it some time. I'm really enjoying getting to know you.

P.S As far as your relationship with Willie...I'm smiling too. :)

Valeriya said...

i want a fiancee ......... aaaaaaaaaah lol