Sunday, September 28, 2008

Airport Madness...

OMG!!!! First off I cannot stand that Massachusetts has REAL rain days. I'm used to the 15 min of heavy torrential rains in Houston, but out here we get at least 2 days of steady rain...freakin' sucks I tell you.

Well thanks to this wonderful rain that God decided to bless my side of the country with, basically EVERY flight in the area was delayed several hours. Now for everyone who knows me...y'all know I can't stand waiting for anything. Well today I tried to keep a little patience because I knew in time I'd finally get where I needed to get and once I got there, I had something (or should I say someone) amazing awaiting me. So while I wasn't super pissed because my original flight wasn't supposed to leave until 6:33 anyway (and of course I tried to get bumped up to the 3pm--which ended up being delayed until 6:56), I took the liberty of watching everyone in there super pissy moods. One lady was so angry because it was her birthday weekend and she just wanted to see her kids. All she kept saying was that "it's just freakin' rain people...not damn snow! So I don't understand what the problem is" (however, it was not quite as nice as I have stated it). Then there was this old couple who didn't quite understand cell phone courtesy. Speakerphones are a wonderful addition to cell phones but they are supposed to be used in private (i.e. your home or car)...not in the middle of a freakin' airport terminal. At first I thought it was just me thinking that the person of the other end of the phone was just talking extremely loud...then I realized the people on the other side of the terminal were staring at the old couple in disgust...the first time I was slightly appalled but the second time I couldn't help but laugh...out loud. Ha! The special-ness of our elder generation. I also saw this lady with her kid on a LEASH...she was talking to her kid as if the little girl was an animal. That was definitely an interesting sight to see. And due to my extended stay in Albany, I met a very nice German fellow with whom I spent a cool 1 1/2 hrs chatting with.

Once, I finally left Albany in route to Charlotte, it was like sheer chaos on the plane. Everyone was in such foul moods because they were running behind schedule and/or would miss connecting flights elsewhere. I was still in the cheerful mood and even now I can't come up with a great excuse to my wonderful mood (seeing as how it was so out of character for me). Charlotte was great for me. I had my first encounter with an airport bar...met some nice people, watched a little football, and of course made full use of what a bar is actually meant for :-P. But I honestly can't tell you how happy I was to finally get on my second flight and head to my final destination.

So I left school at noon for my 1 1/2 hour drive to the airport...I can't even count the amount of time I actually spent in the airport, but by midnight I finally it to made my destination. I changed my flight 3 times before I even left Albany simply because the rain decided to screw up flights all along the east coast. But I can definitely say that those 12 hours were not in vain. I got a lot of reading for class finished, AND seeing his smile...yes...that definitely made it all worth the wait.


Valeriya said...

Awww so cute Lacee'. I'm seriously thinking I'm bout to send out a flyer to find me a BF while I"m here. I freakin want someone to come visit me, or just have someone freakin call me AH!!! so bored. And of course everyone seems to come out with their love stories and engagements and weddings out of nowhere. :*( well at least you got a good blog post out of the crazy trip heh

Laceekins said...

I must day i did somehow luck out--well i guess 'was blessed' is more appropriate--and ended up in a very nice situation for my move up here. it's still hard being lonely and only having the luxury of seeing him once a month.

sorry i've been MIA on skype. I've been sleeping/tv watching like crazy.